about LaunchIt
LaunchIt is a community hub that connects entrepreneurs and business owners with information, space, and people they need to explore bold ideas and spark action in their business.
Our goal is to create coworking, community and connection opportunities for rural entrepreneurs and businesses, so they can grow a thriving regional economy.
we’re for:
For us, coworking means more than free WiFi and hot coffee.
We provide the collaboration and space entrepreneurs and business owners need to dream big and ignite their ideas.
Small towns mean big community spirit.
We are active participants in our surrounding communities and make decisions that ensure our local businesses thrive.
Within our community and beyond, we’re a hub for individuals, entrepreneurs, and organizations who want to collaborate and create stronger outcomes through business.
we’re here to stay.
LaunchIt was created in 2014 as part of the Town of Minto’s economic development strategy in partnership with the Minto Chamber of Commerce.
A community hub and progressive organization, LaunchIt continuously evolves its services and partnerships to meet the needs of rural businesses and community members in our region.
We serve business and entrepreneurs communities across northern Wellington County, including Clifford, Harriston, Palmerston, Mount Forest, Arthur, Drayton, Alma and Moorefield.
In addition to providing local access to workshops, training, advisors, and professional service providers, we are a leading partner in events like Live2Lead, Savour in the Street, and downtown revitalization efforts.
LaunchIt also has affordable office space, meeting rooms and boardroom space for rent or lease.

sponsors + partners
LaunchIt is grateful for the continued support of our partners and sponsors.


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